The Commands of Christ guide us in true discipleship and provide a pathway to a deeper relationship with God. Jesus said, If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15). Commands of jesus in the bible. Honor God's Law-Matthew 5:17-18 Love6. additional commands [Ed. The whole Law and the Prophets depend on these two commands." 1 List of Commands by Book and by Chapter in the New Testament Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and, lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Jesus "If ye know these things, happy are ye, if ye do them." Finally, Jesus' commandments are spiritual, and mean different things to different people at different times. Follow MeMatthew 4:19 3. And as he was going forth into the way, there ran one to him, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? John 15:10 - If you keep my commandments, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Fathers commandments and remain in his love. Jesus Mother and the Water Changed to Wine VIII. We recommend upgrading your browser. DRAFT 04/11 1,050 New Testament Commands There are 1,050 commands in the New Testament for Christians to obey. Due to repetitions we can classify them under about 800 headings. They cover every phase of man's life in his relationship to God and his fellowmen, now and hereafter. If obeyed, they will bring rich -Why should we be baptized? Publius Helvius Pertinax, commonly known as Pertinax (August 1, 126 - March 28, 193), was a Roman emperor who briefly reigned from December 31, 192 until his death on In AD122 List of 50 of Jesus' Commands Statement of each command and scripture reference. Greek has been spoken in the Balkan peninsula since around the 3rd millennium BC, or possibly earlier. RepentMatthew 4:17Humility 2. Save Save 300 Commands of Jesus[Commandments] For Later. !! 6975, the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990 paved the way for a new era for Philippine law enforcement as the law ordered the total merger of both the Philippine Constabulary and the Integrated National Police and formally created the Philippine National Police. We recommend upgrading your browser. Matthew 22:36-40 NHEB. Others are more indirect, including purpose clauses. OBSERVE the COMMANDS of JESUS Lesson 2: Follow Me _____ I Jesus said, Follow Me 37 times! Say, "The kingdom of heaven has come." Meditate on todays story. Let your light shineMatthew 5:16 6. Change the descriptive words in (round brackets) to actual words for your requests John Answers the Priests VII. Or you can press CTRL+R to open the RUN utility, type cmd, and press Enter. This is a tool to help you carry out the second half of the Great Commission: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. This is a complete listing of all the commands that apply to us today. Command #1 Repent & Believe Command: In Mark 1:15, Jesus says Tell the Story: Zacchaeus Salvation from Luke 19:1-10 What does repent mean? The Bible contains about 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 on faith, but more than 2,300 in cash. To get back to the drawing editor and the Command: prompt, type the key. He reaffirmed 2 other commandments4 to love the Lord with all our being5 and our neighbour as ourself6. 5. Rejoice when you are persecuted for following JesusMatthew 5:12. "Complete List of the Commands of Christ." "LET PEOPLE SEE YOUR GOOD WORKS." Teach Gods Law given Moses & the ProphetsMatthew 5:1718. "WHATEVER CAUSES YOU TO SIN, GET RID OF IT." B S 2415.P 49 2006 241.5 dc22 2006021810 R R D 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 0 9 0 8 0 7 0 6 1 3 1 2 1 1 1 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 . Just as there are universal laws that govern the world of nature, there are basic principles that govern our personal lives and relationships. And He said to them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.. Galen Currahs 300+ Commands of Jesus. Below is a list of all of the commands of Jesus found in the four gospels of the new testament, loosely grouped into topics. -How should we be baptized? Keep your word (Matthew 5:37) 4. 4. Go the Second Mile-Matthew And the second is like it: Love your neighbour as yourself. (Matthew 22:37-40, Mark 12:28-34, Luke 10:25-28) #2 The Golden Rule 50 Commands of Christ - Summary List 1. Discover : Pray then use the Sword Bible Study method to discuss the story (Acts 5:27-42) and reveal its meaning for our lives. No, Jesus means his list to be complete. Repent means turning from sin and following Jesus. ( Matthew 4:17 ). RejoiceMatthew 5:12 4. Be ReconciledMatthew 5:2425 7. Repent is Jesus very first commandbefore he called his disciples, before he did any miracles, and before he preached a message. 1. One must also decide whether or not to include passages where Jesus is quoting the Old Testament. Follow MeMatthew 4:19 3. Many commands are general ones, applicable to all his followers. 2. "ABIDE IN ME, AND LET ME ABIDE IN YOU." As Jesus Commands helps you put feet on the Great Commission! 6. Nevertheless, the following are those commands of Christ that apply to us. Scroll down The Law & Salvation: Remember that forgiveness and salvation are never earned by keeping any laws. People often wonder what are the commands that Jesus commanded us to teach. REJOICE: Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you. (Mt 5:12) 3. Read the Command: Matthew 28:19 Read the Story about the command: Acts 8:26-39 Keys to promoting understanding: -What is baptism? The other goal is to become very good at doing that command. The Spirit reminds us and teaches us, disclosing what God wants us to know and obey ( John 14:26; 16:13). Jesus At ThirtyBaptized By John V. Christ's Long Fast in the WildernessSatan's Futile Wiles VI. Photo credit: Unsplash/Ben White. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cure the lepers, cast out demons. by Vikrant Kumar. Matthew 4:7 Jesus said unto him, It is written again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Remain in whatever home you enter until you leave. Never had my hearing professionally checked. Commands of Christ words to live by Jesus said, If you love me, you will keep my commands. Complete List of Windows 10 Keyboard Shortcuts and Run Commands Andre Da Costa | August 24, 2015 in How-To Everyone loves a quick way to get things done in Windows. RepentMatthew 4:17, Luke 13:3 2. Then type help and hit enter button. Antworten zum Kaufen, Verkaufen und zu Ihrem eBay-Konto finden oder weitere Hilfe anfordern. Matthew Robert Payne wrote an article, "The Fifty Commands of Jesus," Pastor Howard has a web site called "The Commands of Jesus Christ" that also lists 50 commands, and a slightly different list of 49 "Commands of Christ" was assembled by Bill Gothard. Syntax and How We Explain Each Command Each section has three parts to it the section heading, the spoken commands and explanation about the commands. Do Not Be Angry with your brother-- Matthew 5:21-22. Care for each other by giving a brief life update & cast vision for loving accountability : Vision: Read Acts 2:36-47 draw church circle (back of booklet) to cast vision for healthy church. Download now. Additional details are available for the commandments that are linked in the list below. There is a story about a man who would very often sit with his Bible late into the night. Be ReconciledMatthew 5:2425 7. Your goodness doesnt win forgiveness or eternal life. Save Save 300 Commands of Jesus[Commandments] For Later. "Teach them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded." Rejoice when you are persecuted for following JesusMatthew 5:12. Read the Command : in Matthew 6: 9-13, Jesus says Tell the story : Jesus teaches about Prayer in Matthew 6: 5-15 Retell the story together. commandments, Jesus means to imply the rest of the 613 commandments which experts identify in the Hebrew Bible. Commands are to be followed and obeyed. Hold on to what you have Revelation 2:25; 3:11 Commands for unbelievers 1. Introduction. We've got 1 shorthand for hearing in noise test What is the abbreviation for hearing in noise test? Challenge/ Set Goals I believe in you and receive your forgiveness. We tend to focus on the promises, but not always that much on the commandments. Did you share Jesus with anyone? (Each person gives account of their goals from the previous week) Look Up Read Acts 2:36-47 to cast vision for being church together. A Spirit-filled disciple of Jesus will obey His commands; he cannot help but love the One who has come to abide in him. If thirsty John 7:37 2. To view all CMD Commands through Command Prompt, you can follow below step. Three ways you can run the Command Prompt program : Simply by typing cmd in the Start Menu search bar. Others are more indirect, including purpose clauses. The earliest written evidence is a Linear B clay tablet found in Messenia that dates to between 1450 and 1350 BC, making Greek the world's oldest recorded living language.Among the Indo-European languages, its date of earliest written attestation is matched only by the now Follow Jesus by praying and worshiping every day. Matthew 4:10 Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. It includes commands given to his disciples, to religious leaders, to crowds, and anyone else he spoke to. III. Repent-Matthew 4:17 Humility2. The Teachings are systematized in this book in ac-cordance to the main themes touched by Jesus. To have control or authority over; rule: a general who commands an army. DIM1 Same as above, but only allows one dimensioning command to be used, and then takes you automatically back to the drawing editor and the Command: prompt. 1050 Commands/Laws in The New Testament/Renewed Covenant T he s e1050 c omand /law f rtN wT am nt R ne d C v nant transcribed by Fran P.. During the process she checked each one verse by verse. AutoCAD full command list.pdf. 1. In canon order. Flag for inappropriate content. design, authority, responsibility, suffering, ownership, freedom, success. Here is the story. All 234 commands of Jesus, in canonical order. Moshe ben Maimon was a scholar of Scripture in the 12th century. Rejoice-Matthew 5:12 Joyfulness4. Commands #1-6 Repent, do not be troubled, follow me, rejoice, let your light shine, honor God's law. List of Major Commands of Jesus. When you enter the Jesus "Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom, but he that doeth the will of my Father." The 613 Commandments. Jesus So to follow all that he commanded, here are a few things that Jesus said we must do, in order to be obedient to Him: 1. Do Not Commit AdulteryMatthew 5:2930 8. History. All of this for his Glory. 1 Peter 1:3-9 says it all I think.. 3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, 5 who are kept by the power of God Keep Your WordMatthew 5:37 9. From that time Jesus began to preach and say, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.'. 26 Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities. The bibliographic sources used in this work are the New Testament and some Apocryphal Gospels. Someone asked him about this habit. Forgive. Read the story aloud . Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. It is found in Matthew 4:17 From that time on Jesus began to preach, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. Jesus command to repent is repeated in a number of other places in the New Testament. Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. Do Not Be Angry with your brother-- Matthew 5:21-22. The church was established upon earth because men and women witnessed about the Savior. Be zealous - Revelation 3:19 84. Commands of Jesus of the New Testament James Verses Only James 1:2-4 1 James, a servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting. The Commands of Jesus. Most lists of the commands of Jesus include 38, or 50, or 125 depending upon which commands the author discerns apply directly to Christians today. Jesus told his disciples to teach their disciples everything that he had commanded them.2 However, its recorded that Jesus only gave 1 command(ment) to love one another.3 He never gave 50 commands per se. Compiled by Justin Mitchell. The last list is the 124 commands of Command of Christ # 1 - Repent & Believe. b. Honor Gods LawMatthew 5:1718 6. Of all the beautiful things Jesus is recorded as saying in the 4 Gospels, His direct commands are so easily overlooked. Sinai, click HERE. 11. A list of the ingredients in a cake for each child. R.A. 6975 was further amended by R.A. d. The chart of the Ten Commandments at the end of this lesson or from the meetinghouse library (65038). - 1 John 5:3 ; If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments & abide in his love. Nighttime Visit of NicodemusChrist Enlightens Him IX. What does believe mean? Let Your Light Shine by good deedsMatthew 5:16. 1. ctrl+c Halts the current command 2. ctrl+z Stops the current command, resume with fg in the foreground or bg in the background 3. ctrl+d Logout the current session, similar to exit 4. ctrl+w Erases one word in the current line 5. ctrl+u Erases the whole line 6. ctrl+r Type to bring up a recent command 7. (Forgive, and be forgiven.) Rejoice when youre persecuted because you follow Jesus - Matthew 5:12; Luke 6:23 82. The 50 Commands of Jesus 1. 50 Commands of Jesus1 (by Lance Wallnau) SUMMARY The Prime Directive 1. "END DISPUTES QUICKLY." Believe means choosing to Is there an trust Jesus as Lord. No, Jesus means his list to be complete. Let Your Light ShineMatthew 5:16 5. 2. On Jesus Christ (1 John 3:23) God rewards diligent seeking (Hebrews 11:6). Complete List Of Visual Basic Commands.pdf-cdeKey Loading 3. Come to Me a. Note: Dake shows 1050 New Testament Commands in the back of the Bible that bears his name]. 23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Commands of Jesus of the New Testament Mark Verses Only Mark 1:17 17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. In fact, everything He commanded of us fall into one of two categories: Loving God, and loving others. So how then do we as leaders obey Jesus command to teach everything that I have commanded? He did give his disciples numerous commands which are The only topic to which the Bible dedicates more space than the money compared to that of money is the "Kingdomy of God" the average annual salary for a bitcoin developer is exceeding $ 103,000. As a result the first century followers of Jesus experienced and demonstrated extraordinary love, generosity, joy and powerful answers to prayer. But we are to obey Him as an act of obedience, love, and reverence for our Savior. a Dim: prompt on the command prompt line. Freely you have received, freely give. Jesus promises 9 special rewards for keeping the commands: 1. There are 1,050 commands in the New Testament for = Christians=20 to obey. Throughout the 4 Gospels, many are 25 Commands of Jesus When we read through the four Gospels, we find many promises and commandments that Jesus gave us. Dake's 1,050 Laws in the New Testament Seven "Abstains"Abstain From: Idols (Acts 15:20). c. Picture 6-24, Moses and the Ten Commandments. I tried to answer that for my grandson when he was very young. 81. Honor Gods LawMatthew 5:1718 6. Follow Me-Matthew 4:19 Meekness 3. The below table consists CMD Commands List in alphabetical order. COMMANDMENTS OF JESUS IN THE FOUR GOSPELS 1. 23 Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. Keep Jesus commandments (John 14:15) Teachings of Jesus for everyone, everywhere 2. -For further reference: Romans 6:3-4, Matthew 3:13-16, Acts 2:38 LOOKING AHEAD Practice the 3 Circles Gospel Presentation. Do Not Commit Adultery-Matthew 5:29-30 Self-Control8. In John 14:23, Jesus says that we also should be careful also keep these words or teachings [of His]. The second list contains the 82 commands of Christ found in the four Gospels. Due to repetitions we can classify them under 69 headings. To direct with authority; give orders to. Download PDF Package. The commands of God are just that, commands. Matthew 4:17 From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The goal is to gain a certain level of mastery with each command. As you look over this list you will see that God instructs us in mands. Your browser does not support frames. Live generously and graciously. The book is addressed to all people. = They cover every phase of man's life in his = relationship to=20 God and his fellowmen, now and hereafter.If obeyed, they will = bring rich=20 rewards here and forever; if disobeyed, they will bring condemnation and = eternal=20 punishment. If a mouse tends to slow you down, then here is a comprehensive list of keyboard commands you can use to accomplish almost any task you would normally use a mouse for. Flee the city that is persecuting you - Matthew 10:23 83. Click here to enter the site. Why should we repent? 2. Spoken commands are shown in this style text. John 10:7-18, Matthew 7:13-14 Read the introduction to the subject and the scriptures. Be Reconciled-Matthew 5:24-25 Responsibility7. Acts 4:10-12 10 Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man RejoiceMatthew 5:12 4. Honor Gods lawMatthew 5:17-19 7. N .T . Suggested Lesson Development Invite a There are incredible promises given to those who practice the 50 commands. So here they are! This is what happens when the teachings of Jesus fill a city. Follow MeMatthew 4:19. We follow Jesus because He is the only way to find reconciliation with the true God, the Creator of the world. Text within [square brackets] is optional. REPENT: From that time Jesus began to proclaim, Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near. (Mt 4:17) 2. commands that were given multiple times in different contexts and one must determine whether to count that as a single command or multiple commands. (If you have not been trained to share your Story and Jesus' Story, ask your trainer to equip you in a Gos- pel Tool). And as he was going forth into the way, there ran one to him, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? Jesus said, If ye love me, keep my commandments (John 14:15). Keeping the commands of Jesus begins with recognizing what they are. Following is a collection of 49 of Jesus commands. As you read through them, ask God to help you observe these words, apply them, and faithfully follow them throughout your lifetime. Commands #1-6 Repent, do not be troubled, follow me, rejoice, let your light shine, honor God's law. The 7 Basic Commands of Jesus: A Train the Trainers Guide Introduction: Jesus taught many things during His time on earth. RejoiceMatthew 5:12, (Also 2 Corinthians 6:10, 12:10, James 1:2-4) 5. Download now. Prayer "Jesus I want to leave my Old life Of sin and follow you. In John 14:1, Jesus emphasizes His direct role in the offer of salvation, when He commands us saying, Let not your heart be troubled; Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. elief in hrists power to save is the foundational brick on which all of Christianity is laid. Go the extra mile assisting others (Matthew 5:38-42) 5. RepentMatthew 4:17. Dave Ahl July 2020 List of 50 of Jesus' Commands Statement of each command and scripture reference. Flag for inappropriate content. Commands #7-12 Be reconciled, no adultery, keep your word, go the second mile, love your enemies, be perfect. Jesus C hrist T eachings. Repeats the last command It seems strange, Read the Command: In Matthew 10:22, Jesus says Tell the Story: The persecuted believers from Acts 5:27-42 Retell the story together. Let Your Light Shine-Matthew 5:16 Generosity5. Bible Commands There are 613 commands found in the Old Testament. Download Free PDF. The 50 Commands of Jesus 1. Be followers of Paul as he followed Christ (1.COR 11:1; PHIL 3:17) 33. Be followers of God (EPH 5:1) (John. Read the story aloud . - John 15:10, KJV The First Commandment (Free Puritan and Reformed MP3s, Videos, & More!) Many COMMANDS OF JESUS are quite direct, grammmatical imperatives. ( Matthew 4:19 ). Removing any command that pertains only to the king of Israel, the Sanhedrin, or the priests in the temple gets us down to the 70 commands in the first list below. Keep Your Word-Matthew 5:37 Truthfulness9. Romans 3:23, Romans 6:23, Romans10:9-10 If weary Matthew 11:28 b. The Boy Jesus IV. List of Major Commands of Jesus. Let not your heart be troubledJohn 14:27, John 16:33, Matthew 6:25-26, Philippians 4:6-7 3. "YOU MUST BE BORN AGAIN." Let Your Light ShineMatthew 5:16 5. your neighbor as yourself.' Consider the primary Amen. (Matthew 28:20) If you love me, you will keep my commands. (John 14:15) Although each verse may be read as a standalone; most beneficial if read or studied Function Command Secondly, Jesus' commandments aren't just from his own mouth, but also written in the epistles of the New Testament. Many COMMANDS OF JESUS are quite direct, grammmatical imperatives. This does not count the great number of implied commands or teachings that are quite similar to actual commandments. Format: PDF, ePub, Mobi Author: Patrick Jackson ISBN: 9781700554055 Release: 2019-10-18 Language: en View --> THE COMMANDS OF CHRIST is the Complete and Exhaustive Compilation of every Command [Imperative Statement] that the four evangelists (Matthew, Mark Luke, and John) record Jesus making to his disciples. It is this last list that serves as Many commands are general ones, applicable to all his followers. Below is a small assortment of commands that we will focus on at camp. Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. 7. Do not commit adultery (Matthew 5:29) 3. It will list all current active CMD commands. When you enter a city or village, find out who is worthy. One thing not to believe: Believe not every spirit (1 John 4:1). 1 Commonly known as Maimonides or "the Rambam" (pronounced RAHM bahm ), he was the first to document the commandments given in the Bible. John Extols Jesus X. Christ in Cana Cures Nobleman's Son at Capernaum XI. that were left to people by Jesus Christ in His Incarna-tion. Jesus replied: Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. The Commands of Jesus Lists in PDF Click to Download. Commands #7-12 Be reconciled, no adultery, keep your word, go the second mile, love your enemies, be perfect. 1. Summary List Of The Commandments Of Jesus I. The Universal Moral Law A. The Law Of Love "First, love God your Creator more than anything else. Then, love all other people the same as you love yourself." B. The Ten Commandments 1. "Do not put anything ahead of God your Creator." 2. "Do not make or worship idols." 3. The Other Commandments Of Jesus 1. commandments, Jesus means to imply the rest of the 613 commandments which experts identify in the Hebrew Bible. With all that said, I have made my own list. The actual wording of this command, found in Matthew 48 is Be perfect as your Father in Heaven is perfect, but Love your enemies (Matthew 5:44-46) 6. (1 John 4:1) Follow MeMatthew 4:19. Most scholars have pointed out a collection of 49 of Jesus commands. Share your story and Jesus' Story vth others. Below is the list of CMD Commands which will work for the operating system from windows 7 to 10 and Windows 11. Be no idolater (1.COR 10:7) 32. Follow meMatthew 4:19 4. Jesus' own words on how to live the gospel. DIM ALIGNED Dimensioning sub-command: Draws a linear dimension with the Commands of Jesus of the New Testament Mark Verses Only Mark 1:17 17 And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men. Jesus used the apostles to write his words, so the New Testament is full of his commands. For a list of the commands from Mt. Teach Gods Law given Moses & the ProphetsMatthew 5:1718. In the 4 gospels of the Holy Bible are over 230 commands that Jesus gave on how to live; how to be made whole; how to enter the kingdom of heaven; how to receive Gods Holy Spirit; how to do Gods work in life; and how to become reconciled with God. The way you become THE STRANGE COMMANDS OF JESUS THE STRANGE COMMANDS OF JESUS (MARK 5:43; 7:36; 8:26) Personal testimony has always been the spearhead of Chris-tian influence. Today, we need to know that they are not suggestions (as we tend to relax the meaning of some biblical disciplines), but commands. Category "1,050 NEW TESTAMENT COMMANDS" 1050 NT commands Page 2 31. 5. Do Not Commit AdulteryMatthew 5:2930 8. B ible. Here is the story. Keep Your WordMatthew 5:37 9. If you are using Windows 8, then you can access Command Prompt via the Command Prompt shortcut located in the Start Menu or on the Apps screen. On Jesus Christ (1 John 3:23) God rewards dilgent seeking (Hebrews 11:6) 1 Thing not to believe Believe not every spirit. Pick some or all of the 13-19 weekly verses from the Gospels and Revelation containing Jesus' mandates to love, believe, forgive, watch, pray, repent, trust, overcome, abide, pray, witness, and give. Suggestions are a bit more subjective and lenient allowing a person to adhere or not adhere to them. Seventy Commandments of Jesus #1 The Greatest Commandment. Your browser does not support frames. 2 My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; 3 Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Basic Linux Commands Computer Organization I 4 CS@VT 2005-2020 WD McQuain More Information Try running the process snapshot command: ps with the l (thats ell, not one) switch: Dont worry about the meaning of all that just yet, but do notice that the results of the ps command were altered by the use of a switch on the command line. Go the Second MileMatthew 5:3842 RepentMatthew 4:17Humility 2. The Apostle John says that if it all were recorded that all the books in the world could not contain it (John 21:25). (Do not hide your light under a basket.) "FORGIVE EVERYBODY OF ALL THEIR OFFENSES AGAINST YOU." Commands #13-17 Practise secret disciplines, lay up treasures in 14:15) Keeping the commands of Jesus begins with recognizing what they are. RepentMatthew 4:17. G ospels C riticism , interpretation, etc. For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: & his commandments are not grievous. Passed on December 13, 1990, Republic Act No. "Go home and tell" has been the duty of every Christian. And finally, in John 6:29, Jesus commands us to believe in God Himself. How to use: read the each command and gain understanding about each command. Though that is the same Jesus, he has now been is Lord statement, Jesus is Lord. What is a Lord? Click here to enter the site. It has 94 commands. A person is called to trust in God, through his Son, Jesus Christ. Let Your Light Shine by good deedsMatthew 5:16. I. T itle.